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Easily Calculate Your Yearly Zakat.

Zakaatable is an app designed to make calculating your yearly Zakat easier and more efficient.
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App features

Calculate your yearly Zakat easily, accurately and safely.

Multiple Profiles

Create and manage multiple profiles and calculate the yearly Zakat for more than one individual.


View and compare your passed yealy Zakat with the "History" functionality built into the app.

Daily Rates

Features support for daily conversion rates using Metals-API.

Resource Support

Features support for Resources/Curencies and Crypto Currencies

Financial Records

Assets and liabilities tabs to help make your Zakat calculation as accurate as possible.

Safe & Secure

We do not see any of your data, all data is stored privately on your local device.

How does it work ?

Zakaatable is a community based application that is a safe and secure way to calculate your yearly Zakat without the hassle.

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Zakaatable is a free-to-use app and is available for iOS and Android



Install Zakaatable and enjoy a no sign-up experience.



You can now follow the steps to easily calculate your yearly Zakat.


User reviews

As a community based project, Zakaatable was built to help people calculate their yearly Zakat.

This Spot Is Waiting For You.

iOS - Android

This Spot Is Waiting For You.

iOS - Android

This Spot Is Waiting For You.

iOS - Android

App Screenshots

The Zakaatable App is an easy-to-use yearly Zakat calculating app. See the screenshots for Zakaatable below.

Download & install Zakaatable

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Zakaatable Developers

Fingerprints Software (Pty) Ltd have proudly built the Zakaatable App with the community in mind and happily provide the service free of charge.

Fingerprints Software Logo